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发布时间:2021-06-04 16:08:49

脱胎于清华经管学院与麦肯锡公司联合开设的线下课程,麦肯锡全球领导力在线课程共包含六个模块,每一个模块深度探讨全球视野、投资、技术、转型、运营和组织中的一个方面,并提供系统分析框架和实例,模块之间相互独立又从不同侧面反映出全球领导者的个性和共性。 本课程由加拿大驻华大使鲍达民领衔,主授课人为来自全球企业的 CXO,在麦肯锡咨询管理顾问的配合下,通过真实案例的分享,帮助参学者建立前瞻性视野和全球领导者的思维模式,理解组织变革、促进创新、危机管理等具体情境下的领导力问题,并助力构建解决问题的核心能力。 Gathering the world-class business leaders into the Tsinghua SEM classroom, the McKinsey Global Leadership course aims at equipping students with new knowledge drawn from leading real business practices, with global perspective. From the way the contents are presented,learners can sense some rare features of personal experience and charm of global business leaders that normally would only happen in face-to-face interactions. The course has six modules, each covers as pecific topic that is important for an enterprise, including global trends,investor’s perspective, technology, transformation, operations and organization. This course is expected to systematically help learners understand leadership in the context of various key scenarios of business management and build core problem-solving capability.